Thursday, September 27, 2007

Trying To Blog Again

A teacher of mine has a blog, it's neat.  He seems to list out three "beautiful" things each time he makes an entry, and I think I'm gonna steal that idea.  It feels easier than having to fit into some blog format, being witty and smart on a consistent basis, haha.

And usually, I'll try and attach an image at the end of each post, one that I find funny or inspiring or thought-provoking for one reason or another.  I love pictures and images, so why not try and incorporate the ones that mean the most to me into my digital space?

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Things I Like

the moment of take-off
getting lost in a Harry Potter book
the weekend newspaper

writing on workplace objects
good television like "Full House"
bad television like "Full House"
hummus and pita bread
the color red
Little Miss Sunshine

saying yes
sand in my toes
spaghetti sauce
sleeping on couches
little birds
big birds
new socks

tropical palm trees
buying things
Roald Dahl
Beverly Hills
Star Wars
Diet Dr. Pepper, from the can

ranting, on occasion
wallball, while sunny
Monopoly, with time limits
balloons, with helium

the ruthless domination of our solar system

bottled water
Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind
softly singing guys with guitars
playing the lottery (living in hope)

Aaron Marineau, forever

Xbox 360
Nintendo Wii
movie posters
Fruit Roll-Ups
the discussion of film
loose-fit jeans
packages from Amazon

the evil, lurking thoughts that Mr. Potato Head must have behind that dark, bushy mustache of his

sleeping in
the old school Game Boy
Old Navy jeans
nice emails from friends
bean burritos
the view from above

watching clouds
Will Ferrell
not having to talk


Thursday, September 13, 2007

Things I Can Live Without

the noise of jangling change
Microsoft Excel
early mornings
microphone static
dirty windows

conclusion-leaping, of which I'm guilty

ill-mannered people
supermarket cookies
saying no
low ceilings
anti-social behavior
airplane toilets
most B-grade sci-fi movies
large dogs

small tents
Adrian Brody
talking about shoes

fruit-sweetened teas
cyclists who run red lights
tinny headphones
workplace drama

spam (meat)
spam (computer)
spam (word)

a too-much-information tell-all compulsive nature

talking on the phone
fruit salad
never winning the lottery
breakfast television

myself, the majority of the time

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Woe Is My G4

My iBook G4 is dying.

It's lithium-ion battery can barely hold a charge, leaving just 45 minutes of life after I unplug it's roughed-up AC adapter. Too many times have I found myself typing out an important email only to have my screen flicker, the hard drive seize up and a once-long email dwindled back down to this... a blinking cursor.

Blink. Blink. Blink.

The LCD screen is covered in finger oils and smudges, food crumbs and hair. The screensaver must activate some sort of high-powered, sonic-ion-power-core-radium-infused, ultra-powerful Swiffer Sweeper dust magnet, for the screen never stays clean. And there's a dead pixel, too! Near the bottom, about three inches in from the left... a single dead pixel.

Dead. Dead. Dead.

I'm kidding. Emo kids need to die.

I could keep going, if you wanted me to. I could tell you about the worn keyboard with the sound buttons that don't always work right, or the trackpad that has lost it's traction. I would probably also tell you about how my computer changes it's date and time to December 31st, 1969 every time it is restarted or turned on, or the occasional hardware glitches, sure to be a direct consequence of playing along with David Letterman's "Will It Float?" segments.

But no, I won't bore you with the horror-slash-comedy that is the life of my computer. I won't mention the DVD burner, which takes a month and two days to burn a full DVD of data, or how my Trash won't empty, leaving porn files and music folders eternally soulbound to my bitchy G4. My LCD screen is barely brighter than the FIRST Game Boy Advance, my USB ports are bipolar, and I think I smell burning hair and oatmeal coming from my speaker holes.

I think it's time to get a new one.