Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Hookers and shrooms...

1) It's my birthday!

2) Aaron got me GTA IV. Seriously, that's so rad.

3) I enjoyed some zany tea last night, and it kicked my ass. In a good way.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Real Life Bowser

1) It's official - Mario Kart Wii is amazing, despite any of my hesitations about it.  But it's understandable, right?  I mean, Double Dash was incredible, and the DS version had lots of neat features, and the 64 and SNES versions are perfect anyway...  So it was easy for me to be kinda scared because I care so deeply (dankly) about the series.  But yes, rest assured, chillums - Mario Kart Wii is fantastic.  Oooh, and I just unlocked Rosalina, the princess from Super Mario Galaxy!  (By the way, consider that game BEATEN, hellz yeah 120 STARS!!!1!!)

2) My birthday is tomorrow, and I got a card in the mail from Aaron's mom!  It's a sweet card, with little windows on the front to show different colored flowers.  And she put a gift card in there too, so total hats off to her.  *sigh*  I miss that naughty girl.  (Don't ask questions...)

3) I'm going to pick up an application for Red Robin today!  They don't drug test, and the dudes who live above us in our apartment complex both work there and suggested I tell them they sent me!  Troy said he makes $40 a night on average from tips, and that alone is making me jaw drop.  Here's to good job hunting luck!

Friday, April 25, 2008

FIFA Brings Out The Best

^1 - Lost was on last night.  It's an intensely amazing show, it really is.  And I feel that it is my duty, nay, my DESTINY to lead others to Christ/John Locke.  To spread the good news, to enlighten and embolden.  To let the little children know that YES!  There is a place for them!  And it can only be found by following exact, precise coordinates that allow you safe and secret passage into Eden/a time warp.

^2 - I shouldn't be talking about two tv shows in one night, but The Office was crackin', too.  It was funny, it was informative, and it really shed some light on characters - Ryan, especially.  I dunno, I feel silly for saying this, but I've spent so much time with these characters and these stories that I really do care for them.  I want things to work out for Jim, and I want to see Michael grow up a little bit, like I know he has since the show started.  I don't know, it's great.

^3 - Aaron.  Whew, that's a mouthful.  Lots of history, lots of feelings, lots of learning and living.  Here's to us, and here's another in hopes that it'll work out in the long run.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Damn it, I need to figure out the title for the post BEFORE I write it, cuz' this is sendin' me ova DA EDGEE@@@@!!!!!!

1) I totally preordered Mario Kart for the Wii today.  It was $50 and it comes with teh Wii Wheel.  What Justin might NOT know is that I've seen most of a video that included all 32 tracks from the new game.  It was on the internet.  And I do feel bad, people, cause I know that's cheating in a way.  But come on, I think about it like this: I am in absolute 100% love with the Mario Kart series, so much so that I'm eager to gobble up any morsel of info on the topic, including previews of every track (16 retro and 16 new), all three laps (of course, as usual, some with one less, or a couple more), and even gets ridiculous enough to include every menu screen, even for the options and multiplayer menus, just to really show everything the game has to offer.  And me?  What do I do in all of this?  I treat it like a buffet, but my belly never gets full.

2) I had Red Robin today with my mom and grandma.  It was nice, and it was for my birthday, so I guess it was kinda extra nice.  I had chicken strips and bottomless fries, and hot damn they were the best I've had in quite some time (here's to you, Schwan's Man).  She gave me some cash *mumblemumblecigarettesmumble*, so that was cool.  Of course, for those of you who don't know, my birthday isn't until the 29th.  Just FYI, so you can find that perfect e-card that I'll so look forward to every year.

3)  I'm way drunk.  And a lil bit high.  And I've gotta pee like a mother.  Serious, I'm gonna pee my freakin' jeans.  I've gotta go.

Monday, April 21, 2008

A Quickie

So I know I haven't posted in a couple of days, and I haven't even really been that busy.  Had a party on the 19th (a pre 4/20 party) that was baller, and hung out with Justin quite a bit.  I'm actually headed to Aaron's dorm right now, as soon as Mikey gets done with his DS game.  I'm packing a pair of pants and a shirt to change into later on, since I'm dressed in camo shorts and a t-shirt right now.  Aaron wants to kick a ball around, so I'll let him teach me some tricks while looking majorly badass thanks to my green "I'm a Power Putter!" tee.

My birthday is a week from tomorrow, and I'm going to quit smoking (death sticks AND Mary Jane) after April 31st.  Hold me to it, folks.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Bonafide Lovin'

Yesterday was a semi-busy day.

1) The Red Wings FC had their first soccer game today against the Delts and Ladies.  Of course, this is all just intramural soccer, and the Red Wings is the team that Aaron's on.  He's definitely an MVP, d-d-definitely.  And yeah, they totally won!  2-1 against some frat guys and sorority girls.  Pretty sweet, huh?

2) My dad took me to Olive Garden for my early birthday dinner.  He came through town from Vancouver so he could pick up my washer and dryer since I've no place to store it in the new apartment.  So we went to The Olive Garden and I got some Chicken Alfredo with angel hair pasta, in honor of Aaron too.  And the pen that my dad was given to sign the check totally busted open all over his hand.  Haha, it looked like he got in a fight with the Penguin as played by Danny DeVito.

3) Jimmy and I went to a party with Aaron and the team at Lily and Michelle's house.  I've been there a good few times before, but this time, when we were out on the deck smoking a cigarette, a bumlady totally walked up and asked for a puff of Jimmy's cigarette (of which she smoked the entire thing).  She asked us for some blankets, called Aaron handsome, and nearly stumbled on her way down the stairs.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


So, 1) my dad came through town and dropped off some much needed rations, so that was neat.  Some stuff for sandwiches and noodles and stuff like that, just to help pad our empty white cupboards.  And he also got me a phone for my birthday.  It's a Cricket phone, and he prepaid for two months so that's cool.  But I don't think I can call our text anyone with a Coos Bay number, which sorta blows.

2) I had a delicious turkey sandwich tonight, with crisp tomatoes and nice, bright green lettuce and some olive oil mayo.  My body thanked me later with a some gaseous musical noises.

3) In the constant quest to unpack everything in our house and get things organized once and for all, I set up my surround sound equipment in my room, so that way all of the speakers center the noise right on my bed.  :P  The bass totally rocks, and I've been digging a Chromeo album I have.  Thanks to Aaron for that one, he's got good taste in music.

Rainbow glasses and Frank Ticheli

Today we continue the celebration of Justin's birthday.  Haha, that cat is goofy cool.  Here's a rundown of three great things about today.

#1 - I finally got my full length mirror from our old house!!  And Heidi and I totally went through a bunch of boxes around our new apartment and unpacked everything but a few boxes that we'll finish up later.  So yeah, our pad is lookin' hip.

#2 - Job hunting sucks, but I got an email from a lady who's needing help with photography work in the schools around Eugene, and so she'd train me on some Photoshop and then go help her do what she does (I haven't gotten all the specifics, but I'm gonna go and email her a big fat yes on my end, cuz I needs some money around here).

#3 - Whippits are enlightening, aren't they?  A box of 24 of them is an unstoppable, apocalyptic event that will inevitably tear the very fabric of my existence apart and then toss a stick of dynamite into the resulting hole.  Haha, I'll hole up in my closet and not come out for a week.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Happy happy happy happy birthday

#1 - Justin turned 21 today!  Happy birthday to Justin!  He made his first alcoholic purchase today, so hats off to him!

#2 - As we walked out the door at 11:55 to make it to 7-11 by midnight so Justin can start the ball rolling early, we could hear in the distance the sound of a train blowing it's whistle.  We suddenly dashed to the car and hopped in, hoping to outrun the train so we didn't have to wait ten minutes and be late for Justin's first (legal) beer.  The car sped down the road, and we quickly caught on that we weren't gonna make it (well, the railroad lights and the bar that comes down was the real tell), so we took a sharp right on 1st and Justin tore into the road in his Mazda RX7.  We took a left at the next stoplight, and as we passed over the traintracks, we could see the train a little ways down puffing steam and blaring on it's horn.  It was so radical - the first time I outran a train.  Talk about badass.

#3 - I had a $2 scratch-it that I sniped from Heidi and got some nachos with it at 7-11.  Not only were the nachos delicious, I also had a great time walking there and listening to Switchfoot.  Now, I know Switchfoot is supposedly a Christian band, but let me tell you, they're also a Sunny Day band.  Like, their songs fit really well into any sunny day, and especially while taking a walk.  Songs that lyricize about adding to the noise, and wanting life to be more than fine.  It really stirs my wok, listening to some of that.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Super Tuesday

Wow, talk about uncommitted, huh? I just saw my last post about trying to blog more consistently (and that one was in late September, so what, six months later?), and I even say that I'm gonna go as far as finding three beautiful things to write about. So hell, I'll give it a try.

Numero Uno: I got a salad from Dux on the UofO campus. It was a Chicken Cesear salad and it looked delicious, but I didn't have the stomach for it at the time, so I took it home. And then here comes Heidi, and she suggests we make sandwiches, so we do and then she drops this bomb: she says, "Let's put the salad on the sandwich!" The next ten minutes were spent in a delirious, food-driven haze as I munched down on the best ham sandwich (with salad) I've ever had.

2 - Aaron and I decided to take a break today (tonight, rather... right before we got the salad, so we were all teary-eyed and red-faced still... or at least I was). Things have been a bit off as time sweeps us up and shakes us loose, and as a two-person tag-team, we were getting a bit unbalanced and so we're trying this break thing. So I guess that's not beautiful, I know... But aha! I now dedicate the next three weeks to finding suitable work (Taco Bell is right down the road, and they're ALWAYS hiring). And you know what's beautiful about that? Free bean burritos.

3. Heidi really unleashed herself tonight in my room. She's been complaining all week about being gassy, and damn that bitch wasn't LYING. I figured the fan would help, but all it did was help the wretched air circulate into every nook and cranny of my bedroom. So then I tried incense I got from the dollar store, and that really seemed to do the trick. Seriously, if you ever wanna get rid of an awful smell by replacing it with an equally awful smell that is slightly more tolerable, then go the dollar store way.

Goodnight, guys. I'm hitting the sack. It's been a slow, really long day, and my futon is calling my name.